Our dental team

Dr. Khai Pham | DDS

Hi, I am Dr. Khai Pham. I was born and raised in Vietnam until immigrating to Canada in 1983 and settling in Ontario. My passions have always included sports, technology, cooking, music and helping people. My interest in technology led to me getting a degree in Electrical Engineering. However, it did not take long for me to realize that my true passion is people, specifically, helping people. This led me to pursuing a career in Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario. Upon graduating, I opened my first practice in Stratford, Ontario. However, in 2009 my love of the outdoors motivated me to move to the west coast of British Columbia. Once here, I found my way to becoming a member of the amazing team at Broadway Dental Group.

khai pham dentist

Dr. Wayne Quong | DMD

I am Dr. Wayne Quong. I was born and raised in Vancouver. I graduated from the Dentistry program at UBC. I have been a member of the R.V. Tucker Gold Inlay Study Club for over 25 years. I have taught both the technique and philosophy of this method in both Italy and Hawaii. My interests include cooking and wine. As a result, one of my favorite holiday destinations is Italy where I can indulge both my passion for Italian food and good wine.

wayne quong dentist vancouver

Lorie | RDH

I was born and raised in the West Kootenays and moved to Vancouver shortly after graduating from the Dental Hygiene program at the University of Alberta. I have been in practice for 40+ years with most of those being with Broadway Dental Group. In my leisure time, I enjoy long walks, golfing and reading.

lorie dental hygenist

Jeannine | RDH

I was born in Victoria and shortly after moved to the East Coast where I lived until moving to Vancouver. I was a CDA before attending UBC and pursuing my dental hygiene career. I have been in the dental profession for 45 years. When not working, I am an avid hiker and baker.

jeannie dental hygienists

Michael | RDH

I was born and raised in Vancouver and have lived my entire life here. I graduated from the Dental Hygiene program at VCC in 2020 and have been a part of Broadway Dental Group since. As a relative newcomer to the office, it has been great to learn from all the experienced staff around me. During my down time, I like playing the piano, enjoying coffee at local cafes and playing computer games.

michael registered dental hygienists vancouver

Lourdes | CDA

I was born and raised in the Philippines where I worked in dentistry before moving to Vancouver in 2009. I have been in the dental field for 29+ years.

lourdes dental clinic

Lana | CDA

I was born and raised in Vancouver. I graduated from the CDA program at VCC in 2017 and have been with Broadway Dental Group since.

lana dental clinic

Tracy | CDA

I was born and raised in Vancouver. I received my CDA designation from VCC in 2017 and have been with Broadway Dental Group since then. In my off time, I like to try new dining experiences.

tracy dental staff vancouver

Katrina | CDA

I was born and raised in the Philippines and moved to Vancouver in 2016. I attended CDI for my schooling as a CDA. After graduating in 2020, I began working at Broadway Dental Group where I had done my practicum under the mentorship of other experienced CDAs.

katrina dental

Karen | Dental Administrator

More info coming!